Enrollment Information

POI_Faith_0015Faith Schools enroll children on a rolling basis throughout the year as space becomes available, with the majority of children starting in September, January, or June.

Families are encouraged to visit either the Day School or Mother’s Day Out to see if the programs we offer meet your family’s needs. Tours can be scheduled at your convenience. Please contact us in advance to schedule a tour.

Mother’s Day Out: 713-664-7726 or jweiss@faithbellaire.org

Day School: 713-664-3233 or kpope@faithbellaire.org

Enrollment priority will be given to members of Faith Lutheran Church and to siblings of currently enrolled children. While these families will receive priority on the waitlist, spots are only offered as they are available. No family is guaranteed a spot in either program. Enrollment in Mother’s Day Out does not guarantee future enrollment in the Day School.